Friday, September 09, 2011

8 Hours of Photoshopping (Entry 2+1)

NOTE1: This was supposed to be a weekly journal, but after "Google-ing" hyperbole a lot yesterday, I couldn't refrain from comments when I noticed exaggeration few times today. If I continue writing every time I can, I will probably run out of topics by the end of the year, but.. whatever! The number of entries should count!
NOTE2: Stars indicate hyperbole in text I write :)

Anyways, I was fighting with a friend today. Not really fighting as in "I would like to tear your head off your body"(*) way , but more like a heated discussion over who tries more regarding a project. I throw my arguments at him. He yells back. Here's the background to it.

It just happened that earlier that day I spent literally not longer than five minutes "photoshopping" a celebrity's head to another picture and posted it as a joke on Facebook. It randomly popped up on his homepage and he became aware of its existence.
So, his statement goes like this: "Well, at least I tried to figure it out! (referring to something about the task we didn't quite understand) I wasn't playing with Photoshop all day!"
  • Really now? ALL day? As in twenty-four hours? 
  •  Or let's say, only the part that had passed so far: ALL 18+hours? 
  • Or the time of it during which I was awake? ALL 10+hours?
  • Let's subtract the time I used to eat, wash, use the bathroom, change clothes, walk from room to room etc. ALL 8+hours?
Let us temporarily assume that I did nothing but use the computer during those eight hours.
There's: program load time; net searching for pictures; time required to get many ideas; dealing with distractions like Facebook or Skype; scratching one's elbow/back/nose, and spent millions of other seconds of incapability to move mouse.(**)

Well, I'm not that much of an addict. Nor I make money out of computer graphics!

I had an appointment at the doctor's today, I came back, watched some TV, I did some online exercises for the the upcoming PSAT, I played the piano (keyboard really) and I was still not as active as I would be in normal medical conditions. That is, I had no physical activity but a 20 minute walk. But eight hours of continuous staring at the monitor, switching elf ears for real ones and "airbrushing" celebrity faces for fun with a computer program?

Duuuuuuuude! That's too much! 
That's like.. like... like over the top! 
Duuuuuuuuuuuude! 8 hours? 
Only a SINGLE program? 
No move, no get coke? 
Not coooooooooool!

I quit this sequence of countless(***) hours in front of this screen now.
When I reread this post tomorrow, it's going to look a lot awfuller than now.

(*) Hyperbole! I'm not a savage!
(**) Millions? That's actually over 11.5 days!
(***) Of course it is countless... if are unaware of what numbers are!!!!


  1. I love the enthusiasm with which you've created your blog entries thus far. Identifying the hyperbole of others is great, but I particularly enjoy how you look at your own usage as well.
    -Mr. McDonald

  2. Well, it's funny how for my last entry, I've taken examples from a short story that I wrote, without even seeing this comment :D:D:D
